Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Crosses are Used

Crosses are used

Different crosses are used for many different things.

As we talked about in the first blog, the Latin cross is the most commonly known to everyone. This is the cross believed to have been used to crucify Jesus Christ. This cross is a symbol of Christianity to remind us that he died for the sins of all man kind. The cross is also on the Christian flag. The Latin cross has also served as grave markers for our heroes, kings and bishops. Many of today's churches even take on a cross shape floor plan.

The Greek cross may also be known as the Cross of Saint George. This cross along with the Cross of Saint Andrew and the Cross of Saint Patrick are used to form the British union flag. In this flag the Saint George Cross stands for England. The Cross of Saint Andrew represents Scotland. Where as Ireland is represented by the Cross of Saint Patrick.

The Maltese is the most interesting looking cross. The Maltese cross with its eight sharp points was used as an emblem by an order of knights in the middle ages. The Maltese cross is also used on the Crusaders flag used by the Knights of St. John or Knights of Malta. In today's time our heroic firefighter badges are of the Maltese Cross emblem.
The Catholics have a Rosary that is made of a string of beads. It is used by individuals during prayer time. There are 50 beads. That can be made of wood, metal, or even stone. There are 4 large beads that divide the small beads into even sections. A pendant consisting of 2 large beads and 3 small beads and a crucifix.

This is just to sample of the way that crosses are used.

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